New approaches in recruiting
London, 6 June 2017
Gone are the days, when the hopeful candidate would read through hundreds of newspaper want ads. Since the internet became a second home to all but a few, searching for a job also happens mostly online.
User can rely on the offer of big, generalist job portals, but also smaller ones that specialize on only one specific field of work and which offer decisive job seekers the fastest way to their new employment. Most advantageous in recruiting are job search engines like Jobswype because they gather results from virtually all available online sources. Social media has also increasingly become a threat for traditional print. Read on to find out how companies react to these developments and how they approach jobseekers. Online offers are increasingly more popular. 90% of the respondents to an online poll conducted by Jobswype on European level in March 2017 said, they would search for jobs only online. Companies reacted to this trend, as evidenced by a 2015 statistic from – 95,6% use online job portals for recruitment purposes.In order to get the best possible results, companies try to publish their want ads as far reaching as possible. Generalist job portals offer them more than enough outreach, but also increase the potential for unqualified applications. Specialized portals, on the other hand, speak directly to their intended audience. One other significant advantage for companies offered by job portals – built-in applicant tracking systems, which take over the administration of all received applications and help the company save time and money. We have already listed the reasons why these systems are advantageous for applicants as well. The actual success of the want-ads is also influenced by the use of online medium adequate wording and layout. Online ads are no in-house-ads. They shouldn´t exceed 200-300 words, while still being very precise, so as to optimize the feedback and reduce the numbers of unqualified applications. The job title should be as close as possible to the actual profession to reduce confusion amongst the applicants. As we’ve seen, companies that use the right tools are able to reach potential, highly qualified applicants just where they are spending most of their time – online. Still want proof? Just take a look at the career and job sections of the online version of your newspaper of choice, a good illustration for the saying „If you can’t beat them, join them“.
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