Digital nomads – a new way to work promises more freedom
London, 6 December 2017
The difference between young employees and the generations that came before them is represented through the values they believe in. They care less about status symbols and salaries and more about working with an added value.
he times when employees have been seeking their personal fulfilment mainly in their free time, by doing volunteer work or being active in associations, seem to be over. The boundaries between the working self and the leisurely self have been blurred during the last years, so that young employees expect their work to not only provide for them financially, but also to fulfil them. They aren’t willing to spend all their energy and creativity in boring office jobs anymore, they are looking for projects and tasks that have the potential to change the lives of others long-term. That is one of the main reasons for which more and more young people decide to become entrepreneurs, working on their own. It figures that this change of attitude was spurred mainly by the start-up culture of tech companies. These are the best and most comprehensive examples for the fact that it only takes the right product or software to not only become wealthy, but also change the lives of millions. At this point, virtually no one could imagine life without social networks. Facebook is nevertheless not the result of some complicated production process, nor did it come from some conveyor belt. It’s the product of a student’s dream, that was developed and went online on a university campus and later took over the world. And that is only the most famous example. It’s the technological advancement that made the rise of digital nomads possible.Because, besides wishing for fulfilling work, the representatives of the new generation also value their freedom greatly. 8 hour jobs are no longer their goal. That would be working where and when they feel good. It goes beyond home office, it’s about dividing their time freely in a way that allows them to spend enough of it on friends, family and own interests. And the internet gives them this possibility to work anytime and from wherever they want, basically from all over the world.Will this new trend prevail and will we soon see employees freed from their offices and working from anywhere else instead? There is no answer to this question because no one can predict the future. Long-term, it seems more and more likely though that jobs will evolve to the point where employees have more opportunities for self-fulfilment. The classic nine to five job could soon be a thing of the past.
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