Things to pay attention to in job ads
London, 23 October 2017
It’s been said that career networks are gaining more and more importance in regards to finding suitable, available jobs, the loser being classic media. Or that headhunters are on the lookout and snap up good employees.
There is some truth to it, as the run of newspapers declines steadily and as job seekers prefer to look online. It’s also at least partially true that some openings aren’t even advertised to the public, as employers rely on recommendations. Still, job ads remain the number one recruiting tool – you’re most likely to find your new job reading them. But do you know what makes a job ad good? After all, the company advertises itself through it. Read on to find out what the differences are and what you should definitely pay attention to.Let’s agree on something right at the start – ads which promise you a big salary which, in turn, isn’t at all proportionate with the number of working hours are a scam and you should stay away from them. A good job ad is always realistic. Just as your application portfolio tells the employer all there is to know about you at this stage, a good job ad tells you e erything you need to know about your potential employer and the advertised job. You should expect to find information about the company, the open position, the expected qualifications, the application process and the salary. But let’s talk about each of those. From the company description, you can take away some basic data, like the name of the company, the industry and its position within. You’ll know right away whether it’s a small family business or an international conglomerate. Next, you’ll find out about the actual job – what will be your tasks and how much responsibility are you supposed to take, but also what qualifications are expected from you. Pay a great deal of attention to the wording of the ad, because some of those key words should also be in your application. And apropos of qualifications – they can be twofold: must-qualifications and should-qualifications. The second category includes qualifications your employer would consider a bonus, but which are not indispensable. Should you meet the criteria of the must-qualifications, apply asap! The ad also tells you about your future salary, but most of the time with the addendum that your actual pay depends on direct negotiations. Companies sometimes mention other applicable bonuses, like gym memberships or public transport cards. The ad usually ends with some quick information about the duration of the application process and a contact person for future questions.If the job ad you’re reading looks like the one described above and you also meet all the requirements therein, then don’t overthink it and send your application out quickly!
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